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Willow Springs Church, Social Circle Georgia

News & Calendar

What's going on...
to post an event or Prayer Request, scroll down

Please remember to pray for our country and those who are our leaders. 
Please pray for our troops to be kept safe and come home soon
Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Church News

Dear Prayer Warriors,

There have been many prayer requests submitted here on this website. They have all been prayed over. Please know that we welcome prayer requests by email, phone or mail. God Bless You.

Always remember..God knows the way.


Wonder why there's not much news?
We need you!
Feel free to submit happenings and events.
We don't know unless you let us know.
Email or fill out the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Christmas 04 Photo Album

Easter 05 Photo Album

Submit your news below and calendar events below!

Want to post your current news, prayer requests or events? No problem. Just fill out the form below and click Submit!

Your Name:
E-Mail Address:
News you'd like to submit:

Willow Springs Church * Hwy 229 * Social Circle * GA * 30025

For website technical difficulties, contact webmaster p.peters

webmaster ppeters