Willow Springs Church, Social Circle Georgia

Poems by Catherine Rosser-Conner

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May God bless your day as you read.

Jesus Is Real
January 5, 1982
Jesus is just a figment of your imagination
Most people who know me would say.
They just don't know that Jesus is so very real.
He is the most alive person in this world today.
If you are not allowing Him to live with you,
You're missing the best part of life.
He will give you peace, love and joy.
In exhange for your fear and strife.
If you would like to know Him for who He is,
If you would like to know that Jesus is real,
Accept Him as your personal Savior and Lord,
And Himself to you, He will gladly reveal!
No Surprise
January 7, 1982
Whatever comes my way today Lord,
Will be no surprise to you.
I know that  You are with me,
I know you'll see me through.
Only the things that You will or allow,
Can touch a child of God.
So why should I worry or fret,
as down this road I trod.
I know all things work together for good,
to those who are the called according to His purpose,
We are told in God's Holy Word.
So I'll just go on resting in your love,
Living in your peace and joy,
knowing that everything that comes my way,
Is used to perfect me in the Lord.
So Lord, do whatever you need to do,
As I yield myself to thee.
I want to be more like you Lord,
So others will see you in me.
So whatever comes my way today,
Whether it be good or bad.
With the peace of God reigning in my heart,
I just cannot feel sad.
An Urgent Message
January 20, 1982
Jesus is coming very soon, no one knows the hour,
He is coming very soon in great glory and power.
I have an urgent message for the world today.
Jesus is coming no matter what the skeptics say.
Jesus said, He's coming to take all His children home
The Lord will come as a thief in the night.,
some say He won't, some say He might.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,
I want you to know that day is almost upon us.
One day with Him is as a thousand years, he says,
And a thousand years is as one day.
The Lord is patient not wanting any to be loset,
But that all should repoent, Jesus paid the cost.
It matters not if you don't believe, I know He's coming Still,
Will you be among those who are found in God's will?
Jesus is coming very soon, no one knows the hour,
He is coming very soon, in great Glory and Power!
I'm a Jesus Fan
February 23, 1982
I'm a Jesus fan, not a sports fan,
I shout and cheer for Him every day.
He's my favorite hero and star,
So every day you will hear me say,
He's the Winner and I'm on His team
There's no way I can lose.
God said, He's on my side, and I'm on His.
So this winning team I will choose.
These three agree and are One,
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
So you praise your team and I'll praise mine,
I think He's really the most.
You are a sports fan, you can yell, scream and shout,
And no one says a word,
But when I shout and praise God
Because I'm a Jesus fan, It upsets the world.
I have something to praise and shout about
My praise is to God and not man,
some get upset when I praise and shout
I'm a Jesus fan, not a sports fan.
Jesus will still be here when the world is on fire,
And all the earth has passed away.
I'll keep on praising Him throughout eternity,
I will live with my winning team on day.
So you're a sports fan, not a Jesus fan,
Well, that's alright with me.
I'm not bothered because you're a sports fan,
I only want to praise my team, don't you see?
I'm a Jesus fan, not a sports fan,
I know what life is all about,
If you are a Jesus fan like I am,
 you know why I praise and shout!
March 3, 1982
Today is the day the Lord has made,
In it I will rejoice and be glad.
This is another day He has given me,
I can rejoice in it, no need to be sad.
Jesus said, live one day at a time,
Don't worry about tomorrow.
I will take care of you,
Even if today brings you sorrow.
He said, seek first the kingdom of God,
I'll give you food, clothing and drink, too.
Live today, don't worry about tomorrow,
Your heavenly Father will take care of you.
Everyday in the Lord is a good day,
When I don't let the day control me,
If I just let go, and let God take over.
His loving hand in my life I can see.
Today is the day the Lord has made,
In it I will rejoice and be glad.
This is another day He has given me,
I can rejoice in it, no need to be sad.
March 19, 1982
With this world I am not in tune,
Inside me I hear, Jesus is coming soon.
I hear the beat of a different drummer,
I am listening for a the sound of the trumpet,
Some are not looking for His return,
It is for these that I am so concerned,
God's Word is true, He will send His Son,
To gather those, who to Him belong.
So when He comes and I'be gone home,
Don't say you were not not warned.
One day, too late, you're going to find,
That Jesus came and you were left behind!
I don't know when my Lord will come,
One thing I know, it will be too late for some.
they are not listening for the sound of the trump,
They are not looking for His return.
With this world I am not in tune,
Inside me I hear, Jesus is coming soon,
I hear the beat of a different drummer,
I am listening for the sound of the trumpet!
The Saddest Words
Nov. 27, 1979
Jesus became my dearest friend,
When i opened my heart and let Him in.
He said He would never leave me,
That He would always be there.
So when I need a friend,
He is one on whom I can depend.
He is my Savior, my Master, and my Lord,
One who will go with me to the end.
Then I know I will hear Him say,
"Well done my child. Enter In".
Is He your dearest friend?
Your Savior, your Master and Lord?
If He is not, I have a word for you my friend,
When you come to the end of the way,
You won't hear Him say,
"Well done my child. Enter In".
You'll hear the saddest words you ever heard,
when He says to you with a broken heart.
"I never knew you. From me, depart".

Heaven or Hell
Dec. 11, 1979
When you stand before God,
On that last great day,
Not as your Savior, but as your Judge,
And you hear Him say,
What did you do with Jesus, My precious son?
Did you believe on Him, and what He has done?
Did you hear how He gave His life,
To free you from all sin?
Unless you have accepted Him as Savior,
You can't come in,
You will have to go to Hell,
with the one that you served before,
Jesus is the only way to Heaven,
Jesus is the door.
I'm sorry you can't come in,
In Heaven there is no sin!

Thank you for Saving Me
Jan. 17, 1980
Why did you give your life for me,
To set me free from sin?
This love you have for me, my Lord,
I cannot comprehend.
But I so gratefully accept your love,
And what you did for me,
You've opened up my blinded eyes,
That I can clearly see.
You are the way to Heaven,
And your life you freely gave.
Please take my life and use it Lord,
That others might be saved.
That they may see that they are lost,
And stand in need of Thee,
Then we can say together,
"Lord, thank you for saving me".

You Must Be Born Again
Jan. 20, 1980
Do you know for sure you are going to Heaven,
Have you been born again?
Jesus said, Except you are born again,
you cannot enter in.
You must have a new birth,
Be born from above,
Meet Jesus as Savior,
Be washed in His blood.
Heaven is a prepared place
For a prepared people,
Give Jesus your life,
And He'll make you a new creature.
Do you know Jesus in your heart?
Or only in your head?
When you think of dying,
Are you filled with fear and dread?
Some think you can't know for sure,
That you will go to heaven when you die,
But I urge you my friend, be sure now,
Don't wait for the by and by
If you don't know Jesus here on this earth,
When you get to heaven, the door will be shut.
There's no need to go on doubting,
Or hoping you'll make it in,
Accept Jesus now as your Savior,
And you'll be born again!

A Candidate
Jan. 22, 1980
Being born makes you a candidate for Hell,
We are all sinners and have come short
of the Glory of God,
The bible does tell.
Being born again makes you a candidate for Heaven,
And it gives me great joy to tell,
The gift of God is eternal life,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Accept this gift God offers you,
And you'll be a candidate for Heaven, instead of Hell!

Jan. 31, 1980
Jesus is coming!
And that's going to be a great event,
many people will be missing and those left behind
will be wondering where they went.
Jesus wants you to be one of those missing,
and not one that's been left behind.
The Bridegroom is coming for His Bride,
And I'm going to be one that they can't find.
If you want to be one of those missing,
Let me tell you what to do,
Accept Jesus now as your Savior and Lord,
And they'll be wondering what happened to you!

My First Day In Heaven
Feb.28, 1980
One day it will be my first day in Heaven,
The waiting will then be o'er.
I've finally arrived in this heavenly land,
To be with Jesus forevermore.
I'll see all the glorious sights,
And the wonders to behold,
I will be listening for my name,
When God calls the Roll.
I will see my mansion He's prepared for me,
I will walk on streets of gold.
I'll talk with Peter, James, Paul and John,
I'll see the saints of old.
I will see my friends and loved ones,
We will be reuninited once again.
In Heaven there will be no more death,
In Heaven there will be no sin.
But best of all I'll see Jesus,
The one who made it possible for me to go there.
I'll touch His precious nail scarred hands,
I'll thank Him for His love and care.
I'll praise Him forever and ever,
And with Him I will reign,
The Lamb of God Jehovah,
For sinners He was slain.

My Testimony
March 19, 1980
Once I was dead in trespasses and sin,
Blind and in darkness,
I hadn't let my Savior in.
One day I heard Him knocking,
At my heart's door,
Now I am free from sin,
and in darkness no more.
My eyes are now open,
And i can clearly see,
All of the time,
He had been waiting for me.
He has given me life,
And I will live forevermore,
He has filled me with peace,
with joy and with love.
Friend, have you heard Him knocking
At your heart's door?
Please answer His call,
Don't turn Him away anymore.
He's a real live person,
And He wants to live in you,
You will never be the same again,
He'll make you all brand new.
So don't keep Him on the outside,
Waiting for you,
Jesus my wonderful Savior,
He wants to be yours, too.

My Soon Coming King
Mar. 31, 1980
Jesus is coming back again,
It could be any day,
He said He's coming back again,
Just like He went away.
He went away in a cloud,
He's coming back the same way,
For those who have not been too proud,
to receive Him as Savior today,
Have you received Him as Savior,
Have you made Him Lord of your life?
He's coming for those who are ready,
Watching and waiting, He could come tonight!
For those who are not watching,
He will come as a thief in the night.
For those who are ready, watching and waiting,
There will be no fright.
They will be received up into Heaven,
His praises to forever sing.
I'm ready, watching and waiting,
for my soon coming King!

Behold The Lamb Of God
Apr. 02, 1980
God have His only Son,
Because of His great love,
He was God's perfect Sacrifice,
Sent from up above.
To see His love,
You need only take a look at Calvary's cross,
See Jesus bleeding and dying there,
So you and I would not be lost.
Behold the Lamb of God!
That takes away the sin of the world,
Can you see my friend,
God and His great love?
See Him hanging there,
As on Him, our sins were laid,
Jesus took my sin and yours,
Our sin debt He paid.
Now you can be washed free from sin,
In His precious blood,
that was shed for you and me,
Because of His great love.
By faith receive Him as Savior,
Believe on what He's done,
Receive eternal life,
By believing on God's son.
What will you do my friend,
Did He die for you in vain?
The Lamb of God Jehovah,
For sinners He was slain!

He Lives
Apr. 02, 1980
Jesus died and He rose again,
That's what Easter is all about.
He lives, He lives, I know He lives,
and that is why I shout.
Glory be to Jesus, He is worth of my praise.
He died but He rose again,
Triumphant from the grave,
Now He ever liveth and because He lives,
We can live too.
This same power that raised up Jesus,
will also raise me and you.
If you don't know Jesus in His resurrected power,
My prayer for you this Easter,
Is that you will know this hour,
that Jesus lives, He lives
And of that there is no doubt.
The you too will know He's worthy,
And His praises you will shout
On that resurrection moring,
We will rise to live for evermore,
Throughout all eternity we will sing His praises,
On that golden shore.

The Raptured Generation
Apr. 10,. 1980
The day that we are living in,
Is evil to be sure,
Almost nothing anymore,
Is sacred or is pure.
Jesus said, wehn you see this day approaching,
Look on high,
It won't be too long now,
My coming is drawing nigh.
the time of this age,
Is surely drawing to a close,
Jesus is coming,
but the day and hour no one knows.
We are the raptured generation,
and of that there is no doubt,
Jesus himself shall descend from heaven,
with a shout,
the trumpet will sound,
And those who have been saved,
will hear His voice,
and rise up out of their graves.
Then we who are alive and remain,
will be caught up with them in the air,
we will see our blessed Lord,
and His glory we will share,
as King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
He'll sit upon His throne,
To rule and reign forever,
In our eternal home.

Choose Jesus
Apr. 11, 1980
The devil as a roaring lion
Is going to and fro
Seeking whom he may devour
The bible tells us so
The devil is deceiving many
as he goes throughout the land
he knows his destination
he wants to take with him all he can
there are many evil forces
and they wish to damn your soul
Jesus came and died for you
It's His wish to make you whole
You cannot serve two masters
One you will hate, the other you will love
Jesus or the devil-two masters you cannot serve
where you spend eternity
depends on which you choose
Jesus paid a price for you
with Him you cannot lose
Choose Jesus and you'll live with Him
In Heaven and all will be well
Choose the devil and you'll live with Him
In that fiery pit called Hell.

The Redemption Story
April 12, 1980
Jesus came to earth and left His home in glory
This is the beginning of the wonderful redemption story
God made a man and woman and asked them to obey
when the devil came to Eve she listened to what he had to say
Adam too disobeyed and from God's grace the two did fall
They became sinners and likewise did we all
Sin separated us from God so He sent His only Son
To give His life upon the Cross the finished work was done
Jesus became the Savior of the world He paid the awful price
To believe on Him is to receive eternal life
He was raised from the dead and is today at the Father's right hand
Because He lives we can live too in that Heavenly land.

You Pick It 4/14/80
There is a place called Hell, That most don't like to hear about,One day Jesus delivered me from Hell, And that is why I shout, I don't have to go there, And neither my friend do you. God prepared hell for the devil, and his angels, too. Heaven was prepared for you and me, And that can be our destination, Have you accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, Do you have your reservation? IF you know Jesus in the full pardon of sin, You are free from hell, There is no more fear or dread about this place, You know that all is well. Where you spend Eternity is really up to you, You Pick it! Heaven or hell, Jesus paid the price,He's already bought your ticket!

The Days of Noah 4/15/80
There is much mocking today, About God's holy word, Like in the days of Noah, They didn't believe about the flood, Only one day the flood came, And it took them all away, Jesus said, Just like in the days of Noah, it would be today. People are eating, drinking and being merry, Many will just not see, like in the days of Noah, So shall the coming of Jesus be. The return of Jesus is laughed at, The way the flood was then, I say, Repent, repent this age is coming to an end! If you have not accepted Jesus as Savior, Too late you will find, when HE comes back for his own you'll surely be left behind! So laugh if you want to, mock if you will, i only want to warn you Jesus is coming still! They laughed and mocked in Noah's day, And the flood came and took them all away, any day now Jesus will be coming for me, He may come today!

Every Tongue Shall Confess 5/19/80
Many today are bowing, Mocking and making fun, Too many are taking lightly, that Jesus Christ is God's son. when Jesus was here on earth, they crucified Him on the cross, they spit on Him, they whipped Him, and Him they did mock. They bowed their knee before Him, and they mocked saying, Hail the King. If they only had known who He was, they never would have done this thing. They had already crucified Him, "the finished work was done". Then they feared greatly saying, Truly this was God's son. They realized then, too late, what they had done, they had failed to realize that He was God's son. Many today are making the same mistake, Mocking and making fun, Too late they will realize and confess, that Jesus Christ is God's son. God's word says, every tongue shall confess, every knee shall bow. One day you will be forced to confess, If you don't confess now!

The King of Glory 5/21/80
The awe and wonder of the crucifixion story, Christ chose to suffer these things, And to enter into His glory. For the joy of it all, despising the shame, He endured the cross, he chose to take our blame. They placed a crown of thorns upon his head, They stripped him of his clothes, but not a word he said. They bowed and mocked and when they were through, he said, Father forgive them: they know not what they do. They crucified my Lord and they mocked his name, he bore the cross and he bore the shame. He went away in shame but he's not coming back that way, He's coming back in glory, it could be this very day. No one took His life, he freely laid it down, Soon he'll sit upon His throne and wear a King's crown.

The Redeemed
May 27, 1980
The Lord is worthy to receive glory and honor,
He is worthy to be praised,
He gave His only Son to Redeem us,
By His precious blood we are saved
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Let the redeemed of the Lord see,
That praise and honor and glory is due Him,
We have been redeemed from the enemy.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Praise the Lord for He is good,
Oh that we would praise the Lord for His goodness,
That we would praise Him as we should
O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good,
His mercy endureth forever.
I am one of the redeemed and I want to say so,
let all of the redeemed praise Him together!
The Blood
June 23, 1980
I went to calvary and saw Jesus on the Cross,
I knew then the price that he paid for the lost.
He took my sin and yours on Him that day,
He shed His precious blood to wash our sins away.
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin,
there's no other way you must accept that my friend,
The modernist says, 'We'll make our own way,
We'll leave out the blood we don't need that today'.
Some call it a slaughter house religion because of the blood,
Let me tell you my friend you'll answer to God.
You cannot trample under your feet the blood of His Son
Jesus shed His blood on the Cross and He said,
'It is done'.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin,
There's no other way you must accept that my friend.
Im So Happy
June 23, 1980
Today I am rejoicing Jesus washed away my sin,
He has filled me with joy and gave me peace within
Sometimes I get so happy I don't know what to do
Then someone looks at me and says, 'What's the matter with you?'
If you don't know my Jesus in the full pardon of sin,
If you're not happy in your soul if you have no peace within.
I can understand how you feel I was once like that too,
Then I met Jesus and He made me all brand new.
He put a song within my heart and I sing day and night,
I'm so happy in my soul I'm walking in the light.
So please don't think it strange cause I praise and sing,
I'm so happy in my soul I have to praise my King!
Make Your Choice
September 15, 1980
We will all live on somewhere
One of two places we will go
Eternity awaits you your soul will live on
In Heaven or Hell, I know
God gives us the freedom of choice
Choose you this day whom you will serve
You will spend eternity with the one you choose
You make your choice here on this earth
Will you spend Eternity with Jesus
In the place He has prepared for you
Or will you spend eternity with the devil
In the place prepared for him and his angels too?
A Song of Worship
October 19, 1980
Jesus you are Lord
You are my Lord
Jesus you are Lord
It is you I adore
I worship you Lord
I praise your name
You are my all in all
you are my everything
I'm so happy Lord
I love you so
You are my saviour
I want the world to know
How much you love us
How much you gave
When you left your home in Glory
to defeat death, hell and the grave.
Jesus Is Life
November 11, 1980
Once life to me was so dark and bleak
The kingdom of God I did not seek
Nothing seemed right things always went wrong
I was not happy in my heart was no song
then Jesus came and gave life to me
I fell in love with life, I'm in love with Him
No more now does everything look dim
One day I looked up and there in a tree
The green leaves changed to a greener green
Please use me Lord I will pay the price
That others might receive eternal life
I'll do what you want I will go anywhere
with others I long my Jesus to share
I am a prisoner yet I am free
You ask me now how can this be?
In the love of Jesus I am bound
I once was lost and now am found.
The Call
January 17, 1981
Prepare to meet thy God we are told in Amos 4:12
Except you heed this call you will go to an eternal hell
Friend, I urge now please don't delay
Jesus is the Truth, the Life, He is the way
The way to God is through Jesus His Son
He paved the way and He said It is done
Come to Jesus now repenting of your sin
Eternity is about to begin we are nearing the end
Prepare to meet thy God please heed His call
The call goes out to one and to all
Friend heed the Call and to Jesus come
It you expect to make Heavan your home.
Wake Up America
April 9, 1981
Lest He comes suddenly and find you sleeping
Many will be left behind
There will be much lamenting and weeping
The hour is very late
Time is fast running out
Jesus is coming very soon
From heaven with a shout
No one knows the hour He will come
It may be morning or night or noon I don't know when he's coming but
I know He's coming soon
this is an evil day we're living in
like Jesus said it would be
These things are coming to pass
Just look around and see
There are earthquakes and tornadoes
Like we have never seen before
Nations are rising up against nations
There are wars and rumors of wars
the love of many will grow cold
because of abounding sin
but he that shall endure
will be saved in the end
when you see these things happening
Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24
know that my coming is very near
that it is even at the door
men's hearts will fail them for fear
of wondering what is coming upon the earth
but you don't need to worry or fear
If you know Jesus through the new birth
It is not God's will that any should perish
But that all should be saved
So believe that Jesus is your passoprt to glory
for you His life life He gave
Jesus said when you see these things happening 
look up! your redemption draweth nigh
He's coming to take you out of this troubled world
to live with Him forever in the sky
Only Jesus Can Satisfy
April 2, 1981
Are you like most people in this world today?
Looking and searching hoping to find a way
To fill the awful emptiness that you feel inside
You're just standing still and life is passing you by
You know there's something better, Is this all there is you say?
If I search long enough I'll find what I want some day
Friend you're search is over listen to the good news I'm giving
I once was so empty inside and life was not worth living
Inside of every person there is a heart-shaped void
no one or no thing in this world can fill it but the Lord
God made us this way He wants for us He very best
Until we have found peace with Him our hearts will find no rest
God is our creator and He made us for Himself
So let me tell you friend there is only one thing left
Now your life-time search has come to an end
Jesus wants to fill your life He wants to be your friend
He will fill your life with His love and joy
He will give you peace you've been searching for
He will put your life back together again
you will know what it means to have a real friend
He will give you life you will know you were not living before
You'll be so happy He knocked at your heart's door
Jesus is a Wonderful Saviour I am sure you will agree
only Jesus can satisfy only Jesus can satisfy me
Open the Door
August 12, 1981
On your heart's door Jesus is gently knocking
Won't you please open the door
He is knocking, knocking ever so gently
Maybe you've never heard Him before
Now that you know He's knocking, won't you please open the door
He's waiting for you to invite Him in
He's done all He can do now, it is up to you
He gave His life to free you from sin
Friend if you're without Christ you're lost without Him
You're life is empty and void
If you could only see what your life would be like
If you would only accept the Lord
I'm giving you and invitation from the Saviour
Won't you please respond to His call
He will give you life and make you brand new
He died to give life to all
He arose from the dead and is alive forevermore
He desires to give you life and set you free
If you respond to His call and open the door
He'll do for you what He did for me.

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